A neck injury can produce a lifetime of pain if not treated properly.  Some of this pain will be present in the form of spasm, causing stiffness.  Here is some information on stretching exercises you can do whenever your neck hurts and feels stiff. 

  • If stretching in the morning, take a warm shower first. This warms up muscles, tendons and ligaments and facilitates stretching.
  • For each stretch there is a hold before releasing the stretch. If you are very tight start with 10 seconds for each hold, but gradually increase the hold as you progress.
  • It’s important to stretch the upper back and shoulders, along with the neck. This is because neck injuries will also cause spasms of these areas.
  • Stretching should provide relief, it should not hurt. If one of these stretches worsens your pain, don’t do it.
  • Try stretching in front of a mirror, so you can monitor your form.
  • Head rolls: Stand tall with arms at side.  Roll head slowly from right shoulder-down-to left shoulder.  Go the other way.  Start by doing 5 in either direction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ox3V8GiIA
  • Head tilt/chicken wing stretch: Reach your arm behind your body (above waist) and grab the wrist of that arm (arm 1) with the other arm (arm 2).  Pull on arm 1 with arm 2.  The elbow of arm 2 will be sticking out like a chicken wing.  Tilt your head to the side towards the chicken wing (arm 2) and hold it.  Look down while tilted and hold it.  Now look up and hold it. Do the other side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CSSUeKuA7Q
  • Shoulder stretch: Extend arm 1 straight out.  Grab upper arm of arm 1 above elbow with hand of arm 2 and pull towards your chest until you feel a stretch.  Do the other side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMsBC9-vSDs
  • Expand/contract chest-back-shoulder stretch: With a wide foot stance inhale while rising arms up.  Reach up high.  Slowly lower arms behind you, reaching elbows behind you, keeping arms wide as though you are scraping the wall behind you with the backs of your hands.  At the same time, as you are lowering your arms, expand the chest.  Repeat 9 times.
  • Cat stretch: Get on your hands and knees.  Place hands directly beneath shoulders and knees directly beneath hips.  Round your back while inhaling and drop your chin to your chest/flex your neck.  Then reverse by exhaling and arching your back and extending your neck/lifting your head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiNXOE5EsZw