Many patients with back pain will see a chiropractor before seeing a physician.  That’s partially because patients tend to be very satisfied with their chiropractors.  Chiropractors enjoy one of the highest patient satisfaction rates among professionals that treat back pain.  Here are some questions to ask your chiropractor when you come in for a first appointment.

  • How long and how often will you need to undergo treatment for your condition?
  • What sort of manipulation techniques are used? Does he/she use hands-on or an instrument?
  • If an instrument is used for manipulation, how does it work?
  • Does the chiropractor use high-velocity upper neck manipulation? If so, has it always been performed safely?  What are the risks?
  • What other adjunctive techniques does the chiropractor use? Does the office offer traction therapy, ultrasound therapy, hot and cold therapy, acupuncture, massage and therapeutic exercises?
  • Does the chiropractor offer nutritional and dietary counselling?
  • Does the chiropractor offer nutritional supplements or non-traditional medications? If so, what evidence is there that these may be effective in treating your condition?
  • If you’re not getting better over time, will the chiropractor refer you to a physician? If so, what kind of physician?
  • Does the chiropractor routinely work with pain management or spinal physicians?
  • Are all of the services offered by the chiropractor covered by insurance or do some require cash?
  • Are the cash services helpful or necessary in improving your condition? Is there evidence of their effectiveness?