Exercise is one of the most effective ways to treat back injury.  Of all the muscles in your body, the core muscles are most involved in spine health.  These muscles of the back and abdomen are very effective stabilizers of the spine.  They allow an upright posture and resist abnormal forces on the spine.  They also stabilize the spine during rigorous activity.  Here are some good core exercises to do if you are suffering from back pain.

  • First of all, if you are overweight, start with a diet. Taking weight off your body means giving your back a break.  It will also help you tolerate exercise better.
  • If you feel deconditioned, start a cardiovascular conditioning program.  Simple cardiovascular conditioning can start with walking and progress to fast walking and/or distance walking.  If you want to use machines, try a recumbent bike, stair climbing and elliptical machines.
  • If you are lifting weights, engage your core while you lift. Remember to maintain good form to prevent an injury and keep the weights light.
  • Do front planks. Lay face down on your elbows as you engage your core to keep your body off the floor.  30 to 60 seconds is one rep. How To: Plank - YouTube
  • Pushups are great core exercises. Ladies can start on their knees.  Get up on your toes as soon as possible for a meaningful work out.
  • Of course, good old fashioned pull ups are great core exercises. If you can’t quite do a pull up start with one leg on a chair and gradually take weight off of the chair as you progress.